Students are the Future of NYC
The Empire Scholarship can help provide them with the funding they need to succeed.
You write a 1,000 word essay on the importance of education to NYC Youth.Submit
Submit your essay to for consideration.Wait and see
Our scholarship team will evaluate and pick one student for the $1,000 grand prize.WE BELIEVE STUDENTS ARE THE FUTURE LEADERS OF NYC
As NYC natives and business owners, we see the value of nurturing the current generation of students and future entrepreneurs. We want to be part of the solution by supporting a vibrant and active academic and entrepreneurial spirit on our city youth. The Empire NYC Scholarship is a step in that direction. By offering a $1,000 grant to NYC High School and College Students, we hope to make their journey to academic achievement a little bit easier.
Submit Your Essays
By Email or use form below.
All Essays must be submitted by August 15th, 2018.
Can be found at at Scholarship Terms page.
Get featured on our site!
All of our winners will have their winning essays, along with a photo and bio, hosted in our “Winners” section. Being a “published author” looks good on any resume!
Guidelines for your Submissions
1,000 Words
At least 1,000 words, although more is acceptable. Must be free of grammatical and spelling errors (hit F7 before submitting!)NYC Specific
The topic for 2018’s essay is “Impact of Education on NYC Youth”. Focus on how the youth of New York City are specifically effected by education (or lack thereof).Submit on time
Be sure to submit your essays by August 15th, 2018 to be considered for the prize.WE EAGERLY AWAIT YOUR SUBMISSIONS!
Don’t wait! Scholarship submissions take time and effort, so don’t wait until the last minute, or risk losing your spot!